The Tale of TG's (The Garage)

I always thought I would get more organized as I got older. You know what I mean: better in control of my life, more focused, seeing the road more clearly. The reality, however, is that my life seems to get more cluttered and disorganized the older I get. I think maybe it is all the stuff!
Since Art and I married a little over a year ago, there has been this huge project looming over me.....TG's. That is our name for our three car garage that is packed to the rafters with all the stuff that we couldn't unpack, fit in the house or figure what to do with after we combined two households. We joke about shopping at 'TG's) before spending money at a real store....but it really isn't a joke. I mean, how can I justify buying a new picture frame, when somewhere in TG's is a box full of picture frames that I was saving for just such an occasion? Unfortunately, that box is buried under a mountain of other things that I really needed at the time (or at least thought I did).
The clutter in TG's often mirrors the clutter in my mind. Just like I need to clean out my pile of stuff in the garage before I can move forward with renovating and planning my future physically, I find that I need to get rid of the clutter of past stuff, before I can move forward and grow in the future. Maybe that is why Jesus said in Matt. 6:19 - 21: "Don't store up for yourselves treasures (stuff) on earth, ...but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,...For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
May you have a day that is full in treasure (stuff) in the right place!
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