TGS (The Garage Sale) or TG's Revisited

Those of you who are regular visitors have already heard the saga of TG's (The Garage), which was full of the results of combining two households of 'stuff' and not full of our cars! They had been relegated to the driveway, rain, wind and even occasional snow, instead of the beautiful two car garage with workshop standing so enticing near.
Well, several weeks ago, we decided to do something about this deplorable situation and have that most American of weekend activities: THE GARAGE SALE.
For the uninitiated, a garage sale is where all the stuff you had to have (but now don't) is put out on tables in your garage (hence the name) or yard (weather permitting) and sold for about 10 cents on the dollar. Even with the low, low prices, you can count on most of the people who show up trying to get you to go even lower. It is rather humiliating to have that beautiful set of everyday dishes that you just love (but your husband hates) marked at $8.00 for a full set of 12, but finally selling at $6.00. How revolting!!!!
We, of course, never doing anything half way, had a HUGE garage sale. It took us a week to price things and four days to put everything out. We had everything from lawn tractors, a double hung hollow core door, antique school desk, laminating machine, the previously mentioned dishes (actually 3 sets of dishes), three crock pots, 4 clock radios, and a partridge in a pear tree.....(whoops, wrong song). Instead of the partridge, we had a 1990 Dodge minivan.
Being the unique people that we are, we sold more the day before the sale officially opened than the other two days combined!! It helped that we sold the van on Thursday, another $300 of stuff to friends, and then made another $450 the other two days. It was great. I, of course, was resorting to bribery the last few hours to get rid of the mountain of baskets: "Use a basket to shop with and you get it free with any purchase!"
All and all, it went really well.....except some of it is left and now I have to box it up, and give it away so we can get ready for the next garage sale, since we only were able to make room for one car. The other one is sulking in the driveway and we fear mechanical repercussions if it doesn't get shelter soon!