
It is time to confess....yes, I should belong to M.A.A. That stands for Movie Addicts Anonymous. In fact, I am married to a fellow addict. What else would you call people who have seen three first run movies in the last 4 days, have two rental movies to return to the video store by Thursday, and have so many videos and DVDs that we need an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them?
The problem with being an addict is that it doesn't have to be a good movie to hold our attention. In fact, we seem to be enamoured of really bad movies, since they are so bad they are funny.We belong to the Regal Theatre club, so on Tuesdays we get free popcorn with our movie membership. Today we took our two free movie tickets (earned by attending so many movies last month) and watched that masterpiece of cinematography: NACHO LIBRE. It fits right up there with one of my husband's all time favorites, WHITE PONGO, and will probably make it's way into our video library sometime in the future. For those of you who are uninitiated....WHITE PONGO was made in the 1940's and is every cliche about Africa you can imagine, up to and including a porter named: Mumbo Jumbo. What is really scary is that we have at least 4 more 'D' movies for the same time period and genre that we haven't viewed yet.
Help us!!!! Let us know if you know where the local chapter of M.A.A. meets and we promise to go....right after we watch another video.
a new White Pongo? Please say you were kidding!!!! I don't think your friends would want that!! White Pongo it the bomb!!!!!! haha
Two words: Grissly Man.
Watch that movie if you haven't. I am pretty sure you will end up as crazy as that guy if you don't cure your addiction.
I am with Andy.
Ok...Lesa...I love you. But how dare you say the Nacho Libre is anywhere close, even remotely of the same caliber, on God's beautiful earth, in this universe, and in this lifetime to White Pongo. I am deeply hurt. Nacho Libre is AWESOME!!! And now I know Art LOVES white pongo, so maybe its a compliment to Nacho Libre. But, to me, its offensive. Rolo and I are very fond of stupid, funny, nonsense movies like Nacho Libre, even more so Anchorman... But White Pongo is a bunch of Mumbo Jumbo. Which happened to be the best part actually, Mumbo Jumbo. Anyways... Nacho Libre is pure comedic genius at its best. Fun for the whole family. White Pongo is torture at its best, and belongs in Guantanimo Bay. Thank you and good day!
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