Pretty Feet

I have been thinking alot about feet the past year. Although the feet in the picture may not look that pretty to you, they look absolutely amazing to me...since they are the result of two surgeries, eleven incisions, three screws, and six removable pins. For about four of the past nine months, my feet looked like something from a Frankenstein movie. I even freaked out our granddaughter who wants to be a vet....pins sticking out the end of a person's toes will do that to some people.
What is amazing is how much better they look and feel than they did before the surgery. My big toes pointed to the outside at about 3 and 10 o'clock, the three toes between my biggest and smallest toes were curled up into claws, unable to straighten out and I could barely walk without my shoes. Even in shoes, I had trouble, since my feet were so wide it was next to impossible to find shoes that fit. My shoe size has shrunk from an 11 WW to a 9-1/2 W. Amazing!
What this whole experience has taught me is this:
1. You don't get very far if your feet hurt.
2. A lot of pain for a short while is worth the price of being able to walk freely again.
3. Pretty is a relative term....I think my feet are beautiful now!
Have a great day and be good to your feet!
Glad to see all the pins and casts are gone! Your feet look great to me! I am happy that all of that is over for you! And I am impressed that your willing to post a pic of your feet, I could never do that! Maybe I need to love my feet more.
They are beautiful with a captial B. The differance is amazing! Happpy shoe shopping :)
word verification: suckuu
hmm... I am not sure about that one :)
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